Emergency Flood Data in your Inbox
Get access to daily & event summary data of U.S. floods any time federal agencies make a request to Floodbase
What it is
Floodbase is providing near real-time flood monitoring and alerts to multiple FEMA divisions this hurricane season.
Beginning August 1st, paying subscribers will gain access to these critical daily and event analytics that capture peak flood extent and severity when FEMA makes a request to Floodbase in the continental U.S.
By leveraging satellite observations, stream gauges, and hydrological data, Floodbase provides hourly monitoring of floods with continuity and certainty.
Beginning August 1st, paying subscribers will gain access to these critical daily and event analytics that capture peak flood extent and severity when FEMA makes a request to Floodbase in the continental U.S.
By leveraging satellite observations, stream gauges, and hydrological data, Floodbase provides hourly monitoring of floods with continuity and certainty.
What you get
Within 1-2 business days of an event request from a federal agency, Floodbase sends paying subscribers daily spatial data updates on the location, extent, and severity of the flood event. This covers municipalities, counties, states, or regions depending on the size of the event and initial request.
Once the flood signal flatlines or recedes, Floodbase delivers an event summary dataset with maximum observed flooding over the full area of interest that includes a time-series of daily flooding.
Once the flood signal flatlines or recedes, Floodbase delivers an event summary dataset with maximum observed flooding over the full area of interest that includes a time-series of daily flooding.

Who it is for
Customers who will benefit include users conducting damage assessments or visualizing impacts to local populations or critical assets -State and local governments, insurance data platforms, and large corporations with national emergency operations centers.
The product provides a flood hazard layer to understand post-flood impacts for response & recovery operations or insurance claims estimation processes.
Read the press release here.
The product provides a flood hazard layer to understand post-flood impacts for response & recovery operations or insurance claims estimation processes.
Read the press release here.

Daily progression of flooding in Houston during Hurricane Harvey capturing flood extent and peak
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